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Sunday, February 9, 2014


Hey guys the bestscienceblog12 here and today I will be talking about Mitosis and cell division. Mitosis is important because it helps your body grow and it replaces old cells with new ones.

Mitosis is the process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei. Mitosis is in relation to cell division because it is one of the two ways cell divide. The other is miosis.

Before the stages of mitosis begins the genetic material in the nucleus of the cell copies its self. This makes it so that each daughter cell gets the same genetic material as its parent cell.

The first step of mitosis is called interphase. The cell is preparing for mitosis by replicating each chromose in the nucleus. The two copies are called chromotids.

The second phase is called prophase. The genetic material in the cell shortens and thickens. Then little things called centriols spread to oppisite ends of the cell and thread like spindle fibers begin to stretch across the cell.

Third comes the Metaphase. During metaphase the two copies of each chromosome line up in the center of the cell. The chromosomes r then attached to the spindle fibers.

The fourth phase is anaphase. During anaphase the complete sets of chromoses are pulled to oppiste ends of the cell and a new nuclear membrane forms around each set of sister chromosomes.

We finally made it to the last stage of mitosis, the telophase. In telophase the chromosomes begin to unfurl and the cytoplasm grabs the center of the cell. The membrane closes in on each divinding the original cell in half. The very final stage of cell division is when the cytoplasm divides. This is called cytokinesis.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Scientists Discover Flying Snakes

Hey guys thebestscienceblog12 here and today I will be talking about a spectacular discovery made by scientists.

Reptiles that are able to "fly" are usually called flying snakes and are located in SouthEast Asia. The five flying snake species belong to the Chrysopelea genus.

The snake has a body that looks like it can't fly but it transforms its body to do so.When the flying snake jumps, it flattens itself from head to toe by making its  rib cage smaller . This causes the body to double in width and forms a cross-sectional shape body that is circular in form.

Scientists put this transformation to the test by a similiar copy of it. They found out that the snake simulates the flying forces of a planes wings. Researchers believe that between air forces and the transformation the snake would be able to fly.

My reaction to this is awe. I think that it is really cool that reptiles can fly.


For more on my article
snake gif