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Sunday, March 16, 2014

                                              Genetic Mutations

    Hello everyone thebestscienceblog12 here and today I will be talking about genes and genetic mutation. Genes are strands of material inside of DNA that control daily body functions.They are important because they determine what physical traits you inherit from your parents.

    Genetic mutations are a permanent change to a cell's RNA or DNA. When a mutation happens they are corrected by DNA repair. The DNA repair does this so the changes don't become permanent.

    When mutations become permanent they affect your health health in a bad way. Three examples where mutations infect your health are Sickle Cell Anemia, Cancer, and, Tay-Sachs Disease. Sickle Cell Anemia is a blood disease caused by a mutation in a protein-encoding cell. Cancer is caused when cells grow way to fast.
    Occasionaly a genetic mutation can be beneficial. When this happens scientists think that this is a force of evolution. An example is when a bird gets a longer beak to catch worms.

    Mutations can be caused during cell division when ther is an error in the copying of genetic material. Mutations can also be caused by exposure to harmful  chemicals or radiation.


bird evolution pic
cancer cell
sickle cell anemia pic

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Hello boys and girls the bestscienceblog12 here and today I will be talking about RNA.RNA stands for  Ribonucleic Nucleic Acid. It is different from DNA because it looks like a swirling ladder that was cut in half instead of a full ladder.

The imporatant thing about RNA is that it takes messages from DNA to tell to your body's cells.

RNA is also different than DNA because it has one different base. Instead of Adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine RNA has Adenine, guanine, uracil, and cytosine.The Adenin Guanine still pairs up with cytosine but now the Adenine pairs up with the Uracil.

First the mRNA takes the message from the DNA and conveys it to the tRNA. The mRNA basically acts as a messenger for the DNA. Then the tRNA translates the code and prepares it for the rRNA. The tRNA's only job is to translate the message from the mRNA and  give it to the rRNA. Lastly the rRNA uses the message to give to the ribosomes.
abiogenesis, astronomy, biology, molecular biology, paleobiology
The ribosomes are an organelle inside side the cell in charge of making the proteins of the cell.

All living things have RNA and without their cells coudn't read instructions from their DNA. RNA is ancient and has been here since the beggining of the world


bases gif

Sunday, March 2, 2014


dna, little mix, textos

after effects, art, artists on tumblr, blood cells, chromasyHello everbody its thebestscienceblog12 here and today I will be talking about DNA. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is important because it determines your eye color, the sizes of your ears, or whether or not you will develope a certain disease.

DNA looks like a twisting and turning ladder. The rungs of the ladder are made up of hydrogen bases. The bases are Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine,and Adenine. The bases can only pair up with specific other bases. The Adenine can only pair with the Thymine and the Guanine can only pair with the Cytosine. The sides of the ladder are made of phosphates and sugar.

James Watson, Francis Crick, and Rosalind Franklin were all great contributor in DNA. They figured out that DNA looks like a double helix on a x-ray.

When DNA is being copied it splits directly down the middle. New halves on the inner side form. After that they connect with the old pieces of DNA and form two new pieces of DNA.

DNA is also used at crime scenes to figure out who committed crimes. They do  this because no two people have the same DNA except for identical twins.

DNA gif
DNA title gif
Pic Finger print
Pic of Body on Ground