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Monday, September 23, 2013


Heyyyyy guys its Thebestscienceblog12 and today I will be talking about plants and photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process of getting energy from the sun and making them into nutrients for food. Only plants can do this so don't try  to summon a big mac at home :).

All livings things including you and me need food and nourishment to grow. Plants make their food by using a process called photosynthesis.  Photosynthesis is the process of getting energy from the sun and making them into nutrients for food. The sun is a major part of this process. Its nutrients are turned into glucose, a type of sugar.

Glucose is the main source of nutrients for plants. It helps fuel the cell for function and growth. Glucose is basically the food your parents make for you at home.

Roots are used to take water from the soil for the benefit of the plant. Water travels from the roots to the plants' leaves through a transport tissue called Xylem, wood in trees. Leaves absorb carbon dioxide from the air through openings called stomata.

Water and carbon dioxide spread through the leaves into cells called the palisade and spongy cell.These cells contain structures called chloroplasts, which are filled with a green pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what makes plants green.

In photosynthesis, chlorophyll traps energy from sunlight, storing it as chemical energy. This process splits water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms.The chemical energy is used to create glucose from the hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The glucose dissolves into extra water molecules and gives the plant plenty of food for growth.

The leaves release oxygen as a waste product. That's one reason plants are important to us. They absorb carbon dioxide and leave us with oxygen. We inhale the oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide into the air.

                                                                           Fast Facts
  • Photosynthesis is affected by temperature, light intensity, light wavelength and carbon dioxide level.
  •   30 percent of the world's oxygen comes from rainforests.
  • Photosythesis is the reason conifers and other pine trees grow in a cone shape .This shape allows more needles to be exsposed to the sun, which enables the tree to grow taller.
  • Photosythesis is the single most important chemical process in the world. 


                                     Thanks For Reading  !!!!  


  1. Big Macs... interestng choice there. Good! I can definately tell u wrote it. you still stole my Heyyyyyy... shame. 99% A

  2. nice job! nice information, good pictures/multimedia
    um overall score- 91%
    (oh btw that big mac pun- not yor best!!) :)

  3. Make the links at the bottom hyperlinks but besides that A+

  4. I liked that you used the gifts and you did the fun facts at the end. their are no thing to make better A

  5. Nice job! I liked the information but I found a couple typos and you could have put a little bit more info :L. B+

  6. A-
    -A couple of grammar errors.
    +Not textbook style.
    +Good information.
    +Good pictures.
    -Maybe a easier to read font?

  7. Great job. Liked your links and fun facts. there were a few typos that you changed know. i will give you a A
