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Sunday, December 8, 2013

                        The wonderful world of Bacteria

Hello guys thebestscienceblog12 here and today I will be talking about the wonderful world of bacteria.

Originally there were only five kingdoms. Until recently all bacteria were grouped into one kingdom. This was because they had similar cell structure. The Monera kingdom  is made up of two groups called phyla. Both of them are made up of one-celled organisms called bacteria.

Bacteria were the first living things on Earth. Bacteria have always been Prokayotic cells, their nuclear material is not surrounded by a membrane. Some bacteria are able to get their  own energy through photosynthesis while others have to go out and catch it.

Bacteria  reproduce asexually through fission (shown in gif).In fission one parent cell makes a exact replica of its cell creating a baby.Bacteria also reproduce sexually through a thin tube where the two bacteria exchange genetic material. Bacteria can reproduce very fast at one every 20 minutes.

Bacteria tend to have three different shapes, sphere shaped bacteria (cocci), rod shaped bacteria (bacilli), and spiral shaped (spirilla).

The two different types of bacteria are archaebacteria and eubacteria. 

Archaebacteria were the first living things on earth. Archaebacteria can live in extreme environments including hot springs and acidic environments. They have also been found in the intestines of animals.

Eubacteria are also one celled prokaryotes. These bacteria, scientists believe, added oxygen to the Earth's atmosphere billions of years ago.


bacteria pic

fission gif

shapes of bacteria gif

information for article

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