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Thursday, August 29, 2013


Cells are the building blocks of the body .Your body is made up of  trillions of cells. Cells die each day but many of them are born again.

The first part of your cell you see is your cell membrane. The cell membrane controlls what goes in and out of the cell. It keeps out harmful things like chemicals and keeps all your organelle inside.

Inside your cell membrane  is the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm is a mixture of chemicals and water . Cytoplasm holds nutrients and flows around the cell carrying organelle.

The boss of the cell is the Nucleus. It controlls the rest of the cell with instructions from the D.N.A. It hands out orders to the rest of the organelle that are under its command.

The thing that keeps your cell running is the Mitochondria. The Mitochondria is the power house of the cell and it breaks down food and lets out energy. 

One of the most important parts of your cell is your Ribosomes. The ribosomes make protein which cells need for everything they do. The ribosomes work together with the Golgi
bodies  because the ribosomes make the protein while the golgi bodies send them out to other parts of the body.

The Vacouoles and Vesicles are used to store waste, water, and other substances until they are needed.

                                                                                  Lastly there is your E.R. The smooth E.R makes Large Molecules then stores them. The rough E.R is lined with Ribosomes  which i talked about earlier in the blog.

Basically your  body is made up of tiny little factories that make  your body  whole factory.

                      Thanks For Reading!!!!!!



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