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Thursday, September 5, 2013

                                      The Six Kingdoms

Hi guys its great to be back writing my third blog post. Today I will be talking about the six kingdoms of classification in the world. Basically, to put it in simple terms, it is the classification of all living things. The six different kingdoms are the bacteria, archea,  protist,  fungi, animal, and plant kingdom.

Aristotle,one of the early Greek philosophers, tried to organize living things. He split life into two main categories, animals and plants.  It was later divided into things like physical traits and habitats. This classification held up for more than 2,000 years. Later in about the 20th century they began to group organisms on their phylogeny, how organisms are related through evolution.  Using phylogeny as a guide scientists divided life into six kingdoms.


The first kingdom I will be talking about is the Animal kingdom. The Animal kingdom is the kingdom humans are classified in. The organisms classified under animal kingdom are multicellular and have a nucleus controlling their cells. Animals also have to move around or hunt for their food to survive. The one exception is the sea coral. The scientific word for it would be sessile which means it is permanently attached or not freely moving.

Second, is the plant kingdom. Plants and fungi used to be classified in the same kingdom until scientists found out that plants make  there own food and fungi suck up nutrients. The plants make their own food through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the conversion of sunlight and carbon dioxide into food. Plant cells have rigid walls made out of a material called cellulose.

Third, is the fungi kingdom. The fungi kingdom is similar to the plant kingdom but is different in the way they get food. Fungi suck up nutrients from decaying plants and organisms. They suck up the nutrients with tiny threads called hyphae that attaches to the dead organisms.  The hyphae resemble plant roots.

Fourth, I will be talking about the protist kingdom. The protists are a special kingdom because the protists can use sunlight to get food like plants and some can capture food like animals or do both. Most protists are single celled organisms. The nucleus controls the cell in all protists.

Now for the archea kingdom. The archea kingdom has some of the oldest life forms on Earth but, they weren't found until the 1970's. They can be found abundantly around the earth but many like to live in extreme conditions. These conditions can vary from deep water trenches to scalding hot springs. Archea are also prokaryotic which means that they have no nucleus.

Lastly, I will be talking about the bacteria kingdom. Bacteria can come in many shapes and sizes but some of the most common are spheres, rods, and spirals. Surprisingly, most bacteria are not pathogens, the kind that make you sick. You can find bacteria almost everywhere. Bacteria can be found in the air, on foods, in water, and in other living organisms. Just like archea bacteria are prokaryotic.

Fast Facts

  • The animal kingdom is the largest kingdom with over 1 million known species.
  •  One of the first places Archeabacteria was found is Yellowstone National Park in the United states.
  •  Animals are the most complex organisms on earth
  •    The scientific names for animals and plants are Animalia and Plantae.                                                        




Thanks For Reading !!!!!!



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